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首頁線上申辦 > 1-1.國有基(房)地承租人申請定期換約續租  

Online Application – 1-1. Lessees of the National Building Lot (Real Property) Apply for Periodic Contract Exchange for Renewal of Lease


3、地上房屋門牌變更者,檢附變更證明 (如身分證明文件已有記載者亦可)。

Please note:
1. Rents in arrears shall be paid in full according to the provisions.
2. After an application is made online, the following documents shall be supplemented and attached, including the lessee’s identity document (a photocopy of the identity certificate must be marked with the wording “completely consistent with the original” and endorsed with a signature; and those renewing the lease of national housing shall have their household registration registered with the address of said house), along with the original lease agreement (an affidavit must be attached if the original lease agreement is lost). Lessees shall bring their seals to be affixed on the lease agreement.
3. Where the address (doorplate) of the house on the ground is changed, a proof of change shall be attached (if the change has already been registered on the identity certificate, it can also be used as a proof).